Rita Captured
The Beaumont Enterprise produced a book titled "Rita Captured." Part of the proceeds go to the United Way Agencies to help out folks who were affected by this monster storm. It's an all-color, high quality bound book with about 170 pages of images.
Anyone interested can pre-order the limited-edition book online through a secure Web site. It's a coffee-table photo book about Hurricane Rita as told primarily through the eyes of Jennifer Reynolds, Scott Eslinger and myself. Dave Ryan selflessly worked many hours to complete the book and get it to press.
I've seen proof pages of the book and can honestly say it's the highest quality and most comprehensive look at this storm. For folks who lived through this storm or were smart enough to evacuate before it hit, the book is an essential keepsake. It covers everything from Winnie to Cameron, La. and from Sabine Pass to Jasper.
We're working with some local businesses and community groups to organize a few staff book signings in January. So, I may get a few cups of coffee. ;-}
Enough for now,
That's very exciting. Congratulations.
I ordered mine. Thanks for the link!
How can I purchase a book?
Hi Laura,
The book sold out. The Enterprise published a book about Hurricane Ike last year, and it's probably still available. You might check on e-Bay or post a request on craigslist for "Rita Captured."
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