Mark M. Hancock / © The Beaumont Enterprise
A catbird (Dumtella corolinensis) rests at The Boy Scout Woods Bird Sanctuary in High Island on Thursday, April 21, 2005.
As of today, I've been a staffer at The Beaumont Enterprise for one year.
Typically, folks look back on anniversary dates and list accomplishments. I've gotten some awards for my work and tried to help some folks this year. However, I didn't accomplish enough nor help enough folks. As such, I have much to improve.
I suppose Hurricane Rita blew away any laurels I might have rested on. I'll do better this year.
Has it been a year already? Wow. Congrats! Do better? I can't imagine how. Your blog is always a must-read!
Most PJs get into this profession for idealistic reasons. I'm disappointed with my results this year. So, I must do better.
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