Mark M. Hancock / © The Beaumont Enterprise
Memorial's Patterson Clay evades Beaumont Central's defense during a football scrimmage at Memorial High School in Port Arthur on Saturday, Aug. 25, 2007.
Professional photojournalist Mark M. Hancock discusses photojournalism and the eccentricities associated with gathering images for daily newspapers and magazines.
Once upon a time, there was a girl (who) in Mongolia (where). She dreamed of being a contortionist (what). If she became a professional contortionist, she could help feed her family (why). So, she went to a special school (how). It was physically and mentally challenging. She cried, but was determined (emotional elements - climax). Unfortunately, her family ran out of money (revelation). So, she left the school and returned home to her family's farm (low point). She continues (when = now) to practice at the farm. She still plans to become a professional contortionist. The End.
Once upon a time there was global warming (what). It affected everyone (who) in the world (where). It changed weather patterns (how). Global warming is caused when too many greenhouse gasses are in the air (why). It continues (when) to be a problem. The End.
UPDATE:   19 Aug. 2007
Currently, it looks like Dean will make Cat. 5 and fall far south of Texas. People in the Yucatan Peninsula as well as central and coastal Mexico need to be on high alert and evacuate if possible or at least secure shelter and enough supplies to survive for a week or more.
Although it could make a sharp turn after it hits Cancun and come across the Gulf (and regain strength), it's somewhat unlikely. However, we're not clear until it hits the Mexican mainland.
The Beaumont Enterprise, the leading daily paper and online news source in Southeast Texas, is seeking an experienced, creative, self-reliant and motivated photojournalist to shoot in a team-oriented, content-rich environment for a paper with a tradition of public service. The successful candidate will have a nose for news, a knack for story-telling and be able to find, develop and bring to life compelling stories for a paper that believes in the power of photojournalism and its potential for online applications. Competitive salary and great benefits. Send cover letter, resume and portfolio to:
Pete Churton, Assistant Managing Editor
The Beaumont Enterprise
P.O.Box 3071, Beaumont TX 77704.
Complete application packages need to be in Beaumont before Friday, Aug. 17, 2007.